Reflections from the Edinburgh TV Festival 2024
Attending the Edinburgh TV Festival was an exhilarating and transformative experience. Having followed it from afar for years—through watching MacTaggart lectures, articles, and YouTube videos, I discovered as soon as I arrived that nothing compares to being there in person.
The festival is a vibrant mix of industry veterans, gatekeepers, emerging voices, creators, and specialists from all corners of the TV landscape. Each year, a central theme is selected, this year, the festival honed in on social mobility and class. This deeply resonated with me — as someone who exists at the intersection of multiple ‘identities’. I deeply value clarity and believe that understanding your own position is essential to confronting challenges head-on. You cannot overcome what you do not understand. It is difficult to truncate so many lessons and thoughts into a concise summary so I reflect on my experience in terms of key moments of clarity.
Prior to attending, I prepped – researching panels and people, though helpful to an extent, there was an element of the process that felt somewhat unnatural. Therein lay my first pivotal realisation – that my growth – both in that space and in general – required me to be uncomfortable. Being there pushed me outside my comfort zone. And yet, knowing I was there on the scholarship provided comfort, even in the moments of unease. And there was my second lesson – uncertainty should lead you towards curiosity and open you up – not freak you out and close you down.
The following includes my insights but also as guiding themes for my journey ahead: those of class and representation. The discussions about class—and the often-overlooked impacts it has on individuals on a personal and psychological level — were sobering. Individuals from working-class backgrounds often experience imposter syndrome which is something I found relatable. If we speak about people in certain ways, how does this impact how they show up or their willingness to ever show up in the industry – given that they may seek to avoid these systemic stressors?
Technology and the Shifting Landscape of Television
The festival felt like both temperature check and catalyst, especially in regards to the rise – and evolution of streaming platforms and the integration of AI. These advancements disrupt traditional power dynamics, shift the influence of gatekeepers, and redefine creativity. “Jobs that will go will be jobs we are not thinking about”.
I left these talks with even greater urgency and excitement to make a concerted effort to connect more with the world – in order to be able to respond to it. As power structures shift, remaining disconnected could have serious repercussions, such as further alienating already fragmented audiences.
On Carol Vorderman. WOW. Is it unethical to clone Carol Vorderman so that there can be plenty more of speaking truth to power? Is it strange to want to be adopted by Carol Vorderman?
Risk-Taking and Inclusivity
Risk is often perceived negatively in relation to marginalised identities but as one panellist stated – this inherently frames them as problematic. It is vital to reframe this notion; rather than seeing individuals from working class backgrounds as risks, they should be viewed as essential to creativity.
I felt like I was viscerally reminded that the industry is not just merely about talent but about survival – especially when coming from a working-class background. However, this resilience should never come at the cost of one’s mental health and neither should it be compromised by unwarranted gatekeeping.
The Power of Networking
Beyond authenticity and openness, one of the most significant points of clarity I gained was that effective networking is rooted proximity. The festival’s atmosphere fostered genuine connections with people who – ordinarily I’d never be able to come in contact with. There was warmth, people weren’t as scary as the thoughts in your head made them out to be and attendees were eager to share and connect. The barcode method of contact swapping was absolutely genius and I wished I could have something like that in every single space.
Challenges Ahead
Despite the improvements and optimism, entrenched classism appears to remain a barrier. Conversations revealed persistent socio-economic ceilings that hinder representation. I feel more strongly about the fact that to be in the industry is to be a thought leader rather than conformist to old societal norms. Not doing so will reflect in disconnected work output and in perpetuating a cycle that stifles working class and diverse voices.
Final thoughts
The Edinburgh TV Festival was not just an observation opportunity for me but an invitation to contribute to the industry’s future. Whilst I left with some cynicism, having historically heard similar sentiments around working-class representation barriers, I was also invigorated. I felt both an external and internal call to action. I – as well as anyone – is astutely aware that world is currently experiencing drastic and extreme changes. Stories reflect our lives and the truth of our existence. Our present is influencing our thoughts, feelings and lived experiences and is already shaping narratives that are currently being told and those that will emerge in the future. The future of television depends on all of us daring to imagine what comes next – not regurgitating times past. As one panellist put it “always remember we work in an industry that is creative”. I left with a renewed sense of purpose, committed to challenging the status quo and with the hope that I can create or be part of creating an eco-system where a vastly different conversation is being had – because of a re-imagination.